Colors Functions

Available functions:

  • ColorManager.__init__(): Initializes the ColorManager with a predefined list of colors.

  • ColorManager.hex_to_rgb(hex_value): Converts a hex color code to an RGB tuple.

  • ColorManager.rgb_to_hex(r, g, b): Converts RGB values to a hex color code.

  • ColorManager.closest_color_name(hex_value): Finds the closest named color to the given hex value.

  • ColorManager.get_color_by_name(name): Returns the hex and RGB values of a color based on its name.

To use ColorManager, you must first initialize it before use:

color_manager = ColorManager()

Hex to RGB

Converts a hex color code to an RGB tuple.

    hex_value (str): A string representing a hex color code (e.g., "#FFFFFF").

    tuple: A tuple representing the RGB values (e.g., (255, 255, 255)).

RGB to hex

Converts RGB values to a hex color code.

    r (int): Red value (0-255).
    g (int): Green value (0-255).
    b (int): Blue value (0-255).

    str: A string representing the hex color code (e.g., "#FFFFFF").

Closest color name

Finds the closest named color to the given hex value.

    hex_value (str): A string representing a hex color code (e.g., "#FFFFFF").

    str: The name of the closest color from the list.

Get color by name

Returns the hex and RGB values of a color based on its name.

    name (str): The name of the color to look up (e.g., "red").

    dict: A dictionary containing:
        - 'Name' (str): The color name in title case.
        - 'Hex' (str): The uppercase hex value (e.g., "#FF0000").
        - 'RGB' (tuple): The RGB values (e.g., (255, 0, 0)).

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