CodeSafe Functions

Available functions:

  • safe_eval(expr, allowed_builtins, allowed_vars, timeout=5, restricted_imports, allowed_function_calls, immediate_termination=False, file_access=False, network_access=False): Evaluate an expression safely.

  • encrypt_to_file(code, output_file=None, mapping=default): Encrypt code to a file.

  • run(encrypted_file, mapping=default): Run an encrypted code file (only available for code/formats Python understands)

  • decrypt_to_file(encrypted_file, output_file=None, mapping=default): Decrypt an encrypted file to a new file.

  • encrypt(code, mapping=default): Encrypt code, and return it.

  • decrypt(encrypted_code, mapping=default): Decrypt the code, and return it.

Safe eval

Evaluate an expression safely.

        expr (str): The expression to evaluate.
        allowed_builtins (dict, optional): A dictionary of allowed built-in functions. Defaults to {}.
        allowed_vars (dict, optional): A dictionary of allowed variables and functions. Defaults to {}.
        timeout (float, optional): Time limit for evaluation in seconds. Defaults to 5.
        restricted_imports (list, optional): A list of restricted imports or modules. Defaults to [].
        allowed_function_calls (list, optional): A list of allowed function names to call. Defaults to [].
        immediate_termination (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly terminate the evaluation if it exceeds the timeout. Defaults to False.
        file_access (bool, optional): Whether to allow file access (open, etc.). Defaults to False.
        network_access (bool, optional): Whether to allow network access (requests, etc.). Defaults to False.

        object: The result of the evaluated expression.

        EvaluationTimeoutError: If the evaluation exceeds the allowed time.
        ValueError: If the expression contains unsafe operations.
        UnsafeExpressionError: If restricted imports or unsafe nodes are detected in the AST.
        SyntaxError: If the expression contains invalid syntax.

Function arguments:

expr: An expression to evaluate.

allowed_builtins: A dictionary object of allowed built-in functions. builtins = {"abs": abs, "max": max}

allowed_vars: A dictionary object of allowed variables and functions. {"x": 10, "y": 20, "custom_sum": custom_sum, "long_running_function": long_running_function, "sleep": sleep}. For custom functions, other functions like time.sleep, and other variables in your code.

timeout: The evaluation limit for the call, defaults to 5 seconds.

restricted_imports: A list of restricted imports or modules. ['os', 'sys'].

allowed_function_calls: A list of allowed function calls. Even when allowed_vars contains the function, it is not callable unless passed to this parameter as well. ['custom_sum', 'max', 'abs', 'long_running_function', 'sleep']

immediate_termination: A bool that controls whether to forcibly terminate an evaluation, if it exceeds the timeout, otherwise, the evaluation will continue until it is finished.

file_access: A bool that controls file access, and allows or disallows access to the filesystem. It restricts additional functions and modules from being called. Defaults to False.

internet_access: A bool that controls internet access, and allows or disallows access to network, sockets, requests, and other libraries. Defaults to False.

Encrypt to file

Encrypt code to a file.

        code (str): The Python code to encrypt.
        output_file (str): The path to the output Python file to embed encrypted code.
        mapping (dict): The mapping dictionary for character replacements.



Run an encrypted code file (only available for code/formats Python understands).

        encrypted_file (str): Path to the Python file with embedded encrypted code.
        mapping (dict): The mapping dictionary for character replacements.


Decrypt to file

Decrypt an encrypted file to a new file.

        encrypted_file (str): Path to the Python file with embedded encrypted code.
        output_file (str): Path to the output Python file for decrypted code.
        mapping (dict): The mapping dictionary for character replacements.



Encrypt code, and return it.

        code (str): The Python code to encrypt.
        mapping (dict): The mapping dictionary for character replacements.

        str: The encrypted code.


Decrypt code, and return it.

        code (str): The Python code to decrypt.
        mapping (dict): The mapping dictionary for character replacements.

        str: The decrypted code.

Last updated