Replication Functions

Available functions:

  • replace_word_with_synonym(word): Replace the given word with a synonym.

  • augment_text_with_synonyms(text, augmentation_factor, probability, progress=True): Augment the input text by replacing words with synonyms.

  • load_text_file(filepath): Load the contents of a text file.

  • augment_file_with_synonyms(file_path, augmentation_factor, probability, progress=True): Augment a text file by replacing words with synonyms.

  • insert_random_word(text, word): Insert a random word into the input text.

  • delete_random_word(text): Delete a random word from the input text.

  • insert_synonym(text, word): Insert a synonym of the given word into the input text.

  • paraphrase(text): Paraphrase the input text.

  • flip_horizontal(image): Flip the input image horizontally.

  • flip_vertical(image): Flip the input image vertically.

  • rotate(image, angle): Rotate the input image by a specified angle.

  • random_rotation(image, max_angle): Randomly rotate the input image by an angle within the specified range.

  • resize(image, size): Resize the input image to the specified size.

  • crop(image, box): Crop the input image to the specified rectangular region.

  • random_crop(image, size): Randomly crop a region from the input image.

  • shuffle_words(text): Randomly shuffle the order of words in each sentence.

  • random_flip(image, horizontal, vertical): Randomly flip the input image horizontally and/or vertically.

  • random_color_jitter(image, brightness, contrast, saturation, hue): Randomly adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue of the input image.

  • noise_overlay(image, noise_factor, noise_type, grain_factor): Overlay noise on the input image.

Replace word with synonym

Replace the given word with a synonym.

- `word` (str): The input word to replace with a synonym.

- `str`: The synonym for the word.

Augment text with synonyms

Augment the input text by replacing words with synonyms.

- `text` (str): The input text to be augmented.
- `augmentation_factor` (int): The number of times to augment the text.
- `probability` (float): The probability of replacing a random word with a synonym.
- `progress` (bool): Whether or not to return current progress during augmentation.

- `list`: A list of augmented text.

Load text file

Load the contents of a text file.

- `file_path` (str): The path to the target input data.

- `str`: The read text from the file.

Augment file with synonyms

Augment a text file by replacing words with synonyms.

- `file_path` (str): The path to the target input data.
- `augmentation_factor` (int): The number of times to augment the data.
- `probability` (float): The probability of replacing a random word with its synonym.
- `progress` (bool): Whether or not to print the current progress during augmentation.

- `list`: A list of augmented text.

Insert random word

Insert a random word into the input text.

- `text` (str): The input text for word insertion.
- `word` (str): The word to be inserted into the text.

- `str`: The text with the randomly inserted word.

Delete random word

Delete a random word from the input text.

- `text` (str): The input text for word deletion.

- `str`: The text with a randomly deleted word.

Insert synonym

Insert a synonym of the given word into the input text.

- `text` (str): The input text for synonym insertion.
- `word` (str): The word for which a synonym will be inserted.

- `str`: The text with a synonym of the word inserted.


Paraphrase the input text.

- `text` (str): The input text to be paraphrased.

- `str`: The paraphrased text.

Flip horizontal

Flip the input image horizontally.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be flipped.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The horizontally flipped image.

Flip vertical

Flip the input image vertically.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be flipped.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The vertically flipped image.


Rotate the input image by a specified angle.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be rotated.
- `angle` (float): The angle of rotation in degrees.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The rotated image.

Random rotation

Randomly rotate the input image by an angle within the specified range.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be randomly rotated.
- `max_angle` (float, optional): The maximum absolute angle of rotation in degrees. Default is 30.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The randomly rotated image.


Resize the input image to the specified size.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be resized.
- `size` (tuple): The new size in the format (width, height).

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The resized image.


Crop the input image to the specified rectangular region.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be cropped.
- `box` (tuple): A tuple (left, upper, right, lower) specifying the region to crop.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The cropped image.

Random crop

Randomly crop a region from the input image.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image from which to extract the random crop.
- `size` (tuple): The size of the output crop in the format (width, height).

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The randomly cropped image region.

Shuffle words

This function takes a list of sentences and randomly shuffles the order of words in each sentence, creating variations for text augmentation or diversity.

- `text` (list of str): List of sentences where each sentence's words needs to be shuffled.

- `list of str`: List of sentences with randomly shuffled words.

Random flip

This function randomly flips an input image horizontally, vertically, or even both.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be flipped.
- `horizontal` (bool): Whether to flip the image horizontally.
- `vertical` (bool): Whether to flip the image vertically.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The randomly flipped image.

Random color jitter

This function takes an input image and randomly adjusts the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to be color-jittered.
- `brightness` (float): The maximum factor to adjust brightness.
- `contrast` (float): The maximum factor to adjust contrast.
- `saturation` (float): The maximum factor to adjust saturation.
- `hue` (float): The maximum factor to adjust hue.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The color-jittered image.

Noise overlay

This function overlays noise onto the input image.

- `image` (PIL.Image.Image): The input image to overlay noise on.
- `noise_factor` (float): The factor to control the intensity of the noise (0.0 to 1.0).
- `noise_type` (str): The type of noise to overlay ("gaussian", "salt_and_pepper"). Defaults to "gaussian".
    - `grain_factor` (float): The factor to control the graininess of the noise (0.0 to 1.0). Defaults to 0.0.

- `PIL.Image.Image`: The image with overlaid noise.

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